How Driving History Affects Bike Insurance Premiums

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Premiums play an important role and are often the deciding factor on whether or not someone chooses to buy a bike insurance policy. The premium for your bike insurance is influenced by factors like policy type, sum assured, make/model of the bike, claim history, etc.

You should also know that your driving history is taken into account when deciding your premiums.

 Defining Driving History

Your driving history refers to your driving-related record details. These records pertain to you as the owner-driver of the insured vehicle and are usually trackable using your traffic challans.

A negative driving track record will have an adverse impact on the premium amount of the insurance for your 2-wheeler. Whereas a positive record positively impacts your policy premium.

Hence, when you maintain a clean record, follow the rules and stay consistent, you achieve a good driving record, leading to a cheaper two-wheeler insurance premium amount. Another way you can get cheap bike insurance, is by going for reputed online providers like Tata AIG.

bike insurance

 Driving History Factors That Affect Two-Wheeler Insurance Premium

●       Late Challan Payments

Challan refers to a charge/fine assigned to your bike when you break a traffic rule. Suppose you violate the signal rules by not stopping at a red light. You might get stopped by the police constable on duty. This constable will attach this challan regarding the rule violation to your bike’s registration number.

You might receive an e-challan on your mobile. These challans will get nullified if and when you pay the penalty charged to you for breaking signal rules.

If you do not make timely payments on these challans, they will accumulate with every rule violation, and the amount will keep increasing. This behaviour demonstrates non-compliance with traffic rules and can negatively impact your driving record.

●       Breaking Traffic Rules

Frequent violations of traffic rules, such as speeding, running red lights, illegal turns, not carrying necessary documents, not having an active bike insurance policy and others, indicate reckless behaviour.

If your driving history is filled with such records, you are less likely to receive low-premium bike insurance.

●       Accidents

Your involvement in accidents, especially where the incident is clearly your fault, will significantly raise the risk factor in offering insurance for your two-wheeler vehicle. This will result in a high two-wheeler insurance premium.

However, a good record, i.e., no accidents in your name, will make it easier for you to get a low-premium bike insurance plan.

●       Licence Suspension

Licence suspension is a major event that signifies a bad driver. One who does not adhere to traffic rules or is extremely unethical while driving on the road. This will lead to a higher premium or even make it difficult for you to obtain a bike insurance policy altogether.

●       Other Bad Habits

Bad habits pertaining to driving include drinking and driving, driving under the influence, using a mobile phone, not wearing a helmet and more. These habits will impact the two-wheeler insurance premium as much as other factors do.

Ensure that you buy your bike insurance policy from a good, reliable and renowned policy provider like Tata AIG. Such companies often practice fair premium allotment and a streamlined claim settlement process.

 How to Maintain a Good Driving Record for Low-Premium Bike Insurance?

  1. First and foremost, follow all the traffic rules. Adhering to traffic regulations and laws regarding speed limits, licences, documents, signals, lanes, insurance, and motor vehicles will give you a good track record for driving.
  2. Stay away from accidents. We know that an accident is not always your fault. However, avoid getting into an accident or that situation as much as you can by being a defensive driver. Claim history is as much indicative of your driving habits and history as your records are.
  3. If you get a challan on your bike, ensure that you pay for it on time. Prompt challan payments are a good sign. This also ensures a clean record.
  4. Stay focused, alert, sober and educated about everything around you. This provides you with an upper hand in various compartments.
  5. Wear a helmet.


A bike insurance policy is an essential investment that offers financial coverage in times of accidents, repairs and replacements. Hence, to ensure you get a reliable low-premium bike insurance plan from providers like TATA AIG, you’ll need to maintain a good driving record.

This can look like paying challans on time, being a defensive driver, practising safe driving, always following traffic laws and carrying the appropriate documentation, like your bike insurance policy, with you at all times.