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Some of the Common Pediatric Foot Problems that Parents Should Know

Children experience health problems related to their feet at any time. Many foot problems disappear once they get treated however few of them persist for a longer time.  Some of the common foot disorders troubling them often are plantar warts, stabbing heel pain and ingrown toe nails.

The causes are unknown however according to expert podiatrists it is because of continuous growth of leg muscles and bones. Moreover, children are quite active and mobile, hence a high chance of them injuring their foot that leads to inflammation that causes discomfort. All that can be rectified by visiting expert pediatric podiatrist Orange County areas like Dr. SimaSoltani practicing in Irvine.

It is highly beneficial to visit them as soon as your child complain about foot health issues. Not only they will treat your child’s foot problems, but they will help children to develop healthy habits of taking care of their foot to prevent foot health disorders in future.

Some of the most troubling common pediatric foot health issues parents should be aware of-

It is a contagious fungal infection that can be prevented by keeping the foot dry and wearing public bathing places and swimming pools. It is a contagious fungal infection that can be prevented by keeping the foot dry and wearing appropriate footwear while using public places that are usually wet.

The treatment for ingrown toenails is simple. You can soak the affected foot in warm water that helps to clean the dirt present and then slowly dry the whole foot. You can apply over-the-counter bought antibiotic ointment. If the pain persists and the fungus spreads, then it is best to visit a skilled children’s foot doctor.

Heel pain is usually treated by physical therapy exercises and for reducing pain anti-inflammatory medications will be effective. However, if the pain isn’t reduced, it is better to consult a pediatric podiatrist near your residence. Even ortho customized shoes help to wade away heel pain symptoms.

Foot deformities are a common problem of children, which is a heredity feet disorder. It can gradually be set right by using orthotic devices like customized shoes. Plantar warts will vanish if you keep your child’s foot dry and well-cleaned.  Prolong plantar warts problems can be rectified by podiatrists by removing them.

Sports injuries like stress fractures, shin splints, turf toe and tendonitis need to be treated fast. You can consult the best experienced pediatric foot doctor for immediate treatment. They are skilled and with their medical care, your child will soon be relieved from foot health problems.

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